RGN / 全部 / 兴趣交流 · 2022年10月4日

Oneshot:World Machine Edition All Achievements Platinum Guide

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Oneshot as one of my favorite indie games, after finishing it on Steam then purchased the World Machine Edition, which is the new form of this Meta title on the consoles. The platform chosen for the title of the guide is Xbox Series X (currently there are bugs in getting all achievements)(Originally write in Chinese, may contain translation mistakes)

10.4Update:Received a reply from developer Nightmargin, bugs are being fixed.

Various websites in my country and abroad have been looking for, there is no such achievements guide exist, meanwhile found that many players suffer from this, so I decided to write one.

A few quick thoughts before we get started: Oneshot: World Machine Edition is not a simple port of the Steam version, as the original engine RPG Maker is not available on consoles, and World Machine is a reworked version of the engine, with better controller adaptation on PC.

In World Machine Edition, players start the game ontology on a virtual computer, which is similar to the daily use of the WIN system, but simple enough to reflect the essence of Meta elements. The console version has more modern special effects, fine graphics, and control methods, with the addition of elaborately drawn wallpapers, music boxes, galleries and other elements, making the play experience even beyond PC.

Compared to the Steam version, getting all achievements from world machine edition is more difficult, because there are three new collective elements, respectively corresponding to 3 achievements, a total of 10 themes, 24 wallpapers and 21 friends introduction, play the process of a little do not pay attention to may cause missed, suggested in order to strictly control this guide, two times could be enough. (Part of the guide from Oneshot tester Laurie)

Most achievements are the same as the Steam version, with the exception of three, which you can refer to directly in this walkthrough. (Two things to note: Raw Whisperers only get one shot at success;When you finally enter the red "X" room of the tower, don't forget to return to the previous scene to complete the "Rebirth" achievement.)

In addition, the collection items that can hardly be missed in the process will be overwritten, and those easily missed will be specially marked. Introduction will try to do not reveal the plot, but it is recommended that the first time players following their own way, sink down to experience this masterpiece (easy to miss collection concentrated in the first round of game, recommend third time to pursue platinum)

# Wallpaper full collection (achievement: Wallpaper Wizard)

The wallpapers of the world machine are beautiful, because the host platform is not convenient to export, here attached by the player Gavin collated collection

##8 wallpapers are provided by default:

The World Machine - Given by default

Barrens Craters - Given by default

Glen Shoreline - Given by default

Refuge Cityscape - Given by default

Messiah - Given by default

My Burden is Light - Given by default

Asteroid - Given by default

Blank - Given by default

##16 wallpapers as collectibles: (need to move the cursor and use the right trigger to collect)

Outpost - At the entrance of the Barrens Generator room(At the first encounter with Prophetbot, Niko will indicate that he cannot be touched, Can not be missed)

Factory - In the small house below Dormitory 113, to the right of 118 and left of 119


Navigate - Rowing to Glen, the house on the right side in outdoor area (the initial place of Glen, the place you exit from where you get that big panoramic shot of the Glen, note that if you leave Glen will not be able to return)

Courtyard - In the bottom right corner of Calamus and Alula’s Courtyard(an outdoor area after bird sister Alula kicked away the stone)

Calamus and Alula

Calamus and Alula - After the signature, It is on the right side of the outdoor area within the Gate to the City (BE CAREFUL! The second you go into the door where this wallpaper is, squares will block off the area, rendering it uncollectable)

Catwalks - To the left after entering the screen leading to the cafe (Hard to be missed)

Library Stroll - In the top left of the Library's main room (Hard to be missed)

Ram Club

Secret RAM Club - On the left as soon as you enter the RAM Club(Follow the directions of "secret" achievements )

Lamplighter - In the far top-left of the Back Alley, beyond Lamplighter's house(Hard to be missed)

Cafe - Appears after completing the Pancakes quest (directions in the pancakes achievement if unclear)

Maize - Appears after giving the seed both the dirt and the Medicated Water(Follow the directions of "Rebirth" achievement)

Tower - In the bathroom in the House replica at the end of the Tower(End of the game, Can not be missed)

##Wallpapers from Solstice:

Prophets - Just up-left at the beginning of the backup escape path in the Solstice Mines (before you enter the minecart)


Memory - On the right side of The Author's Study

Reflection - At the end of the Solstice credits

From Niko - In your documents after completing Solstice